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Just a few jottings - - Random ramblings, occasional crafty creations & nature notes included. Trying to "Design a life I love" - succeeding I think -----.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Keeping my spirits up - -

- - I am finding it hard to keep my usual rose coloured spectacles on this month - we have just had so much rain! and this dreary weather is really sapping my resolve to keep to my normal cheerful outlook on life. It has been the darkest January I can remember since we moved here - and never before have we had so much rain - incessantly, day after day, so that it never feels as if it ever gets light so I feel tired all the time. If it wasn't for things like Crafty Corner at work, Design Collective mailings and swaps on UKS I really would be down!!
I am joining in with a couple of swaps on UKS again - which I must admit I have found quite challenging - but hope my fellow swappers will like what I have done! One i a set of ATCs - I made one set but just wasn't happy with them so scrapped them and have started again and the other is Fat Book pages - which I have never done before so am on a steep learning curve here!!! LOL

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