Welcome to my site

Just a few jottings - - Random ramblings, occasional crafty creations & nature notes included. Trying to "Design a life I love" - succeeding I think -----.

Monday, 31 December 2007

New Years Eve 2007

- A very quiet New Year for me - DH is off to sunnier climes to go climbing, DS is off out with his friends and DD2 is not feeling well. I have been printing my piccies for my journal today and hope to add them to my pages (already done) in my Christmas Journal so I can upload some more pages tomorrow. I have tried to visit all my friend's blogs too - to wish them happy new year - and to any I have missed -Maynrys as Blien Noa - Happy New Year one and all.


Jane said...

Happy New Year Jennie x

scrapdolly said...

Wishing you a year filled with love and laughter, health and happiness xxx

Sharon said...

Happy New Year Jennie. Wishing you good health and happiness in 2008.
Much love