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Just a few jottings - - Random ramblings, occasional crafty creations & nature notes included. Trying to "Design a life I love" - succeeding I think -----.

Sunday 23 March 2008

Easter Day 2008

Easter Sunday 23rd March 2008

Woke to a beautiful bright morning with blue skies and white clouds scudding across the skylight window – so it’s still at least breezy - We couldn’t possibly stay in on such a lovely morning so my plans for the day will have to wait – When I was a girl of perhaps 8 or 9 mum read the book A Valley of Song, by Elizabeth Goudge, to us – a book, that like all her stories – paints beautiful pictures with words – and to me an inspiration to try to capture just a little element of that in my own scribbles –

so this morning I have been in my very own Glen of Song - The glen is filled with birdsong and the trees are so bare that it is easy to spot the carollers – chaffinches, robins, wrens, blackbirds - all making music to lift your heart to the heavens whilst the sea shimmers and sparkles in the sunlight that kisses my skin with its gentle warmth. The glen is carpeted in celandine – their pretty golden stars opening & lifting shining faces towards the sun – almost smiling with joy – and along the steep wooded banks the daffodils dance gaily under the grey trunks of the still bare branched trees – oh how I love my glorious glen – today I can really see what the builders of our great cathedrals were trying to achieve. I am so blessed to live so close to all this beauty and tranquillity, and somehow I have to get this feeling into my next class with Shimelle.

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